2. Preparing & Cooking: Boil the macaroni according to packet's boiling instructions (I used a brand from Sainsbury's which takes 12 minutes because it's 100% durum wheat) with a pinch of salt. In a pan, stir fry the medium sliced onion and orange peppers in olive oil (enough to cover the entire pan), and the seafood (already unfrozen and drained). When the macaroni is cooked, add the baby spinach leaves for a quick cook, and drain. When the seafood is fairly tender (do not overcook), add the macaroni with the slightly cooked spinach leaves. Finish with some cream (about a tea cup of it), add a little bit more of salt, and serve.
mais um prato que arregala os olhos:)))
mas...posso fazer uma sugestão...dá um bocadinho mais de trabalho, mas era bom que pusesses as receitas tb em portugues....
*ana afasta-se envergonhada apos a lata que teve*:)
lool, malvada, as tuas artimanhas para receberes um telefonema, eheheh
beijo beijo
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